Congratulations to Our 4 Students Who Passed the SPI Exam in Nov 2015!

Congratulations to Our 4 Students Who Passed the SPI Exam in Nov 2015!

Congratulations to Our 4 Students Who Passed the SPI Exam in Nov 2015! 150 150 My Ultrasound Tutor

It takes hard work and plenty of studying to prepare for and pass the SPI exam, and we want to congratulate our 4 students who did so in November! Here’s a little tip for those with the exam still ahead to ensure that you get some study time in even on the most hectic of days.

Break up your study time.

It’s tough finding an hour per day just to study. Instead of trying to find 60 consecutive minutes, you can divide the time throughout the day.

  • Take 15 minutes in the morning to look over some notes
  • Utilize time spent in long lines at the store or a coffee shop and review a few vocabulary words
  • Study during your lunch break

Even on days that you don’t seem to have any down time, you can still sneak in a few smaller study sessions. This will keep you from losing a day or two of study and review, and it will help you to keep the material fresh in your mind.

Remember, every minute counts!

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