SPI Exam Test Prep

Woman preparing for the ARDMS SPI online

How Many Questions Are on the ARDMS SPI Exam?

How Many Questions Are on the ARDMS SPI Exam? 2560 1707 My Ultrasound Tutor

Before you take your registry exams, you may have a lot of questions. For example, many of our students wonder: How many questions are on the ARDMS SPI exam? We’re going to go over a short list of frequently asked questions.

Should I Take the SPI or My Specialty First?

In reality, this is entirely up to you. There is no restriction on the order in which you take your registry exams. However, we strongly recommend taking the SPI first because everyone should pass that exam regardless of their specialty. Then, you can take as many specialties as you want afterward.

How Many Questions Are on the ARDMS SPI Exam?

There are approximately 110 questions on the ARDMS SPI exam. The number of questions will vary depending on the version of the test you get. So why does our mock exam have 120 questions? We want to be sure you are overprepared so the actual SPI doesn’t seem as difficult by comparison!

How Many Questions Do I Have to Get Right to Pass?

There’s no exact answer to this because the questions may have different values. You need a total score of 555 out of 700 or higher. In our experience, students who score 80% or higher on our practice quizzes and mock exams have no problem acing the SPI.

If I’m Not Ready, Can I Delay My Exam?

Yes, but you have to reschedule within the allotted time! You can’t reschedule once you are within 72 hours of your exam, and they are serious about that number – down to the hour! So, if you realize you’re not ready, your best option is to reschedule ASAP.

What Is the Fastest Way to Prepare for the ARDMS SPI Exam?

We recommend our self-guided online registry review course. This allows you to learn at your own pace rather than having to schedule weekly tutoring sessions. Of course, we’re still here to help, and you can schedule half-hour or one-hour sessions on an as-needed basis (additional fees apply). Additionally, we can also always answer questions in an email.

We look forward to helping you pass your ARDMS SPI and other registry courses.



A busy mom tries to study for an ultrasound registry exam at home

How to Find Time to Study for an Ultrasound Registry Exam

How to Find Time to Study for an Ultrasound Registry Exam 2560 1707 My Ultrasound Tutor

Are you currently struggling to find time to study for an ultrasound registry exam? We hear you! Juggling a career (or school), family, and whatever else life throws your way can be challenging. Trying to add meaningful study time can be daunting. So what can you do to eke out some quality study time? We have some suggestions.

Where and When to Study for an Ultrasound Registry Exam

First – where to study. When preparing for the SPI, an ultrasound specialty exam, or any other test you are looking to ace, where you study can have a big impact on your outcome.

Many want to study at home, and if you have a quiet, well-lit space, that is a great place to start. However, some of our clients find that home can present too many distractions: kids, pets, etcetera. Others depend on their place of work as a study location. This can be a good option as you may already have an awake and alert mindset because of the environment. However, if you are constantly busy or stressed, this may not ensure the best study period.

So here are two suggestions that have proved beneficial for some of our students who struggle to find time to study for an ultrasound registry exam:

  • Study in your car (I know it sounds crazy, but keep reading)
  • Go to a coffee shop or library to study

The second problem to solve is when to study. So let’s address this issue.

One of the best times to study your ultrasound notes, watch a video, or take an exam is when you are feeling the most awake and relaxed. Try doing this a few minutes before work. Do you have a few extra minutes in the morning? Maybe you can linger at your favorite coffee shop. No time to stop somewhere on the way to work? Why not arrive to work about 15 minutes early and study in your car? (See, it’s not such a crazy idea after all.)

You can apply the same ideas after your shift is done. Sit in the car for a few minutes. Take advantage of these periods, even though they may be brief at times. To have the best results, be consistent, have a quiet space, and find a time when you are not too tired or stressed from the day.

We hope this helps give you some ideas. If you find you are still struggling, please feel free to contact us. As always, we are happy to help you reach your ultrasound testing and career goals!


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