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Registry Review Courses from My Ultrasound Tutor Are the Recipe for Success!

Registry Review Courses from My Ultrasound Tutor Are the Recipe for Success! 2560 1708 My Ultrasound Tutor

At My Ultrasound Tutor, we are happy to see many students and techs passing their ARDMS exams after taking our registry review courses. We’ve worked hard to design these courses with a logical progression that helps prepare you for your boards. Our courses are not about memorization but about actually learning the material. We find that this results in better test scores and improved ability in the workplace.

But there is one matter we would like to address. We’ve noticed occasionally that someone will take the course and try to “game the system.” What do we mean by that? Let’s consider a scenario to see the Dos and Don’ts of getting the most from these registry review courses.

SCENARIO: A Person Fails a Quiz While Taking One of Our Registry Review Courses

DO: Rewatch the video that the quiz was based on. Keep studying the material. Failing the quiz is an indicator that a person has not learned the material sufficiently to go on to the next lesson. This is why we require a specific grade before the next video unlocks. We are building on the knowledge from the previous lessons.

DON’T: Some students immediately take the same quiz over and over after failing. This allows them to eventually memorize the answers, pass the test, and move on to the next lesson. However, the student has not learned the material. Now there is a gap in understanding that may make it tougher to understand future lessons and could negatively impact exam scores when it matters the most – on the day of the ARDMS exam.

Don’t Leave Your Exam Scores to Chance

If you’ve ever tried to substitute recipe ingredients when baking, you know that things don’t always go according to plan once a person tries to alter the recipe. Think of these registry review courses as finely tuned recipes. If you follow the methods outlined, you are following the recipe to success. If someone starts making substitutions, there’s no telling what will happen.


We hope you are enjoying your course, and that it will help you to pass your exams and become a more proficient tech. Thanks for choosing My Ultrasound Tutor as your partner on the path to success!

Get the Most from Our Online Registry Review Courses

Get the Most from Our Online Registry Review Courses 979 728 My Ultrasound Tutor

Have you already signed up for one of our online registry review courses? We’re about to provide you with a few tips to get the most out of the program!


Tips for Taking Our Online Registry Review Courses

Our online registry review courses have been carefully designed to present information in a logical and easy-to-understand format. That being said, time is a commodity that is in short supply. Many don’t have endless amounts of time to spend studying. So what can help?


Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the course:

  • Set specific goals for each study session – What does this mean? Each study session should accomplish something – not just reading notes. For example, watch one video and take notes. Another goal could be to learn 3 or 4 vocabulary words. Working on some anatomy? Take one section of the body or system you are studying and know it well. Focusing a study period to accomplish something (even if it seems small) will yield the best results.
  • Be exact – Very often, reading through material or notes won’t help with testing as much as knowing specific and exact information. This is especially important when it comes to vocabulary, relationships, and testing parameters. For example, let’s take the word frequency. What is the definition? Do you have a general idea? That’s a good start, but it may not help with test questions. Is frequency the number of pulses per second? The number of pulses per scan line? The number of cycles per second? Or the length of one cycle? Having the precise definition will keep you from being confused when reading through options and make you more confident when answering questions.
  • Set a good pace for yourself – Rushing through a course with the goal of completing it quickly may not end with the result you want. After watching a video, time should be taken to review, study (using the tips we just discussed), and then take the quiz.


What if You Get Stuck on a Lesson?

Pop quiz time: What happens if you don’t pass a quiz the first time around? Should you

(A) Retake it immediately to correct your wrong answers

(B) Study a little more to make sure you really know the material before moving on?

The answer is B. Failing a quiz means there is room for improvement, and more study is needed before moving on.

What if you pass the quiz? You can move on to the next portion of the course!

Finally, if you are stuck with something and could use some help, we are here for you! Reach out to us, and we will be happy to give you the support, advice, and assistance you need to reach your ultrasound goals!

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