

Jayda 150 150 My Ultrasound Tutor

I had almost given up on the DMS career path.  I followed the advice of my instructors and a few fellow classmates and studied for the SPI using a few highly recommended books, and I even went so far as to hire a private tutor.  These learning tools provided wayyy too much information and I was overwhelmed and FAILED (more than once).  I decided to give it one last try, which is when I found myultrasoundtutor.com through Google.  I must say if I had found this course first, I would have saved hundreds of dollars on failed SPI tests and hours and hours of wasted time studying information that was not even on the test.  This course provided great instructional videos and even printed notes for me to study outside of the videos.  The most valuable part of this course is that they identify and are specific about which areas you need to study so that you are not overwhelmed.  It was such a huge relief to finally pass the SPI after prior failed attempts.  I would absolutely, positively recommend this course!!!

Jayda M

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