SPI Exam

How Hard Is it to Pass the SPI Exam?

How Hard Is it to Pass the SPI Exam? 2560 1707 My Ultrasound Tutor

How hard is it to pass the SPI exam? That question may be on your mind if you are an ultrasound tech looking to get certified. You may have even found this article by searching that question on Google. It’s a reasonable question to entertain going into the ARDMS exam.

Passing the exam is a significant milestone, and there may be pressure for you to pass it as soon as possible. This can naturally lead to some test anxiety. We will try to answer the question in as straightforward a manner as possible. However, the answer will vary depending on a couple of factors.

Here is a better question to help gauge your chances of success: Can I use the physics principles of sound to solve problems?

If the answer is yes, great! You will likely not find the SPI exam hard to pass. If you aren’t sure, let’s break it down so you can get a better idea of what is needed to pass the ARDMS SPI exam.


How Well Do You Know Ultrasound Physics?

This is not most people’s favorite subject, but the answer can tell you a lot about how you will fare when you take a registry exam. So what does it mean to ‘know’ ultrasound physics? Basically, you need to know the vocabulary, relationships, and principles. This primarily involves some memorization. However, memorization is not enough to pass in itself. In fact, if that is all you have, it will likely be hard to pass the SPI exam. The other key is understanding how to use what you have learned in order to solve problems.

Let’s illustrate this fact:

Imagine you have just learned two phrases, two basic principles: (1) Summer is hot, (2) Winter is cold. Okay, so let’s use the information to answer a couple of questions:

  1. Which season is hot?
  2. Which season requires that people wear warm clothing?

Here we have two types of questions that involve varying degrees of problem-solving. The first one is direct, and you can get the answer from the statement from the first statement – Summer is hot – so the answer to question 1 is Summer.

Now the second question is a little different. First, it is not that direct – it uses none of the words found in our statements. It doesn’t say summer or winter or hot or cold. So how would you go about answering the question?

You need to really know what it means to be hot and what it means to be cold. Then you can use that information to answer the question. People wear warmer clothing when it’s cold outside. That helps us come to the correct answer: Winter.

Now if I asked you if these questions were challenging, what would you say? Probably, you feel they were pretty easy. Well, this is how the ARDMS SPI exam is. If you really understand the information, it won’t be that hard. If you do not understand the concepts, the SPI will likely prove a bit more challenging. Additionally, you do need to employ some problem-solving techniques that often go beyond a direct question.

How Hard Is It to Pass Our SPI Course?

If you feel you could use some help really understanding and effectively utilizing the ultrasound physics principles you are learning, feel free to contact us or enroll in one of our online courses. Our online registry review courses are designed to fit into your busy schedule. And don’t worry – if you have trouble passing a lesson exam and moving on to the following video, we’re always here to help!

ARDMS Testing During COVID-19 *UPDATED*

ARDMS Testing During COVID-19 *UPDATED* 150 150 My Ultrasound Tutor

UPDATE: When the pandemic hit a few months back, testing centers around the country closed down. However, the medical crisis has made it necessary to re-evaluate what is considered essential when it comes to testing. Ultrasound and some of the specialties are now considered to be in that category. The result is that many testing centers are now open and taking appointments for ARDMS testing. For that reason, we providing this update to the ARDMS Testing During COVID-19 article. You can see the original text of the article after the update.

Spaces are limited and not all sites are open at the time of this update. Therefore, it is a good idea to check within your region to see what options are available to you. In the meantime, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1.  Seats are limited, so book your appointment well in advance. There are sometimes cancellations if you are hoping to take your test sooner. To find out about cancellations, you will have to contact the testing center.
  2. Social distancing and safety measures are enforced. Specific requirements may vary from site to site. Check with your testing site, and prepare accordingly. 
  3. For more information, ARDMS has updates posted to their site, along with other resources sonographers may find useful during this time.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and efforts on the front lines during this pandemic!

(Original article content follows)

For many, the COVID-19 Pandemic has changed our routines and schedules. If you are planning to take your SPI or specialties exam in the near future, you may wonder if there is ARDMS testing during COVID-19. How can you adjust your study habits to fit your new schedule?

What Is Going on with ARDMS Testing During COVID-19?

Let’s start by saying that if you are scheduled to take an ARDMS exam in April, you may have already received notice that your test date has been canceled or changed. Testing in most regions is on hold until the beginning of May, or until further notice. To see the effects on your region, or to see if there are changes for your testing date, contact ARDMS or check their website.

Students with Increased Work During COVID-19

For many medical personnel, the COVID-19 crisis has meant a drastic change in the amount of time you work. For those of you working more or longer hours to help meet the demands of COVID-19, thank you for your hard work and sacrifice!

This increased workload can impact your studies and affect the timeframe of your goals and testing dates. How can you adjust and still reach reasonable goals? Be consistent. Determine a feasible to study each day. Some days you may only be able to review one or two vocabulary terms. That’s fine! A couple of minutes of study each day is better than a long cram session once in a while.

Have a plan. Each day make a list of what you want to accomplish. Noting these goals on your calendar is an excellent way to stick to your new or changing study schedule. Finally, take time to rest your mind and body. Stress will not help you retain the information you are studying. So before a study session, try to decompress – take a walk, listen to some music, and find a quiet spot where you can focus.

Students with Less or No Work During COVID-19

The opposite scenario is becoming increasingly common – those who are not working as much, or at all. Financial hardship can put a strain on studying and prolong goals. Work with what you have. If you can continue to study and tutor, go for it! If you need a revised tutoring schedule, let our tutors know. We will work with you to find a program that meets your current needs.

If you need to pause your tutoring sessions, keep studying the material you have covered. Retake exams, re-watch video recordings, and make sure you do a little each day. This will not only keep you busy while at home, but it will help you stay on track so you can reach your goal of taking and passing your registry exams. You may not get to complete your ARDMS testing during COVID-19, but you want to be ready for your exams as soon as this situation is over.

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