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Searching for Study Material for the ARDMS SPI Exam

Searching for Study Material for the ARDMS SPI Exam 2560 1707 My Ultrasound Tutor

When preparing for your registry exams, having the right study material for the ARDMS SPI exam is essential. Why is this the case? Where can you go to find study material for the ARDMS SPI exam that will help and not hinder your preparations with unnecessary information?

Let’s start with the first question.

Why Is the Study Material for the ARDMS SPI Exam That You Choose So Important?

There are two main reasons why using the right study course is crucial.

  • Easy to understand: Whether it’s a physics exam or a specialty exam, the material you study should be easy to understand, remember, and apply. Information presented in a complicated or overly technical way can be harder to remember and use. This is especially true when you need the understanding for answering test questions. Remember, the SPI will challenge your ability to use the knowledge rather than simply memorize it.
  • Streamlined information: ARDMS has an outline for their exams, and it’s posted publicly on their website. This can help guide a student in preparing the most important information. During a college course on ultrasound physics, you will be learning and tested on far more information than what you need to know for the SPI exam. For example, you probably had more math instruction and questions on tests in school than you will face on the SPI. So, having streamlined study materials will help you focus solely on the information you need. This, in turn, will make your study more effective and efficient. There is no need to study things that rarely or never appear on the exam.

High-quality study materials will help you learn what you need to know in a shorter amount of time because they are easy to understand and learn. This prevents wasted time spent learning information that is unlikely to appear on the registry exam.

Where Can You Find Top-Quality Study Materials to Help You Prepare for the Registry Exam?

Here at, we offer study materials and guides for ultrasound physics and various specialties. The teaching methods are simple and use uncomplicated language. The focus is strictly on the information you need for the exams. We add just enough additional information to understand deeper concepts.

Look through the registry review courses and practice exams that we offer on our website, or contact us directly using the chat feature. We look forward to hearing from you!


I Failed the SPI Exam – Now What?

I Failed the SPI Exam – Now What? 2560 1707 My Ultrasound Tutor

If you’ve recently failed the SPI exam, you may be wondering where to go from here. Rest assured that your situation is not a lost cause and that we’ve helped many who have failed the SPI exam in the past to reach their goal of becoming a registered ultrasound technologist.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Having Failed the SPI Exam Does Not Make You a Failure

In fact, some who fail the SPI are working technologists who are very good at their jobs. Don’t give in to the idea that you are a bad student, test taker, or ultrasound technologist simply because of one test. There are many reasons that people fail, and we can help you to address those reasons.

Know What to Study

Sometimes, it comes down to knowing what information you should focus on in order to score higher next time. It’s nice that the SPI gives you a list of focus areas of study so you can prepare to take the test again. But what if it seems like the list was just about everything? Does that mean it is hopeless? Not at all!

Making Connections Is the Key

The secret to passing the SPI exam does not involve memorizing lots of facts and figures. The key is to make connections between the information you know so that you can use it to solve problems. The SPI exam challenges your understanding of the science rather than the ability to repeat information.

4 Key Areas of Focus

Because the test requires you to make connections, you have to understand the basic building blocks. Then, you can put that information together to solve problems. Here are the four main areas of focus that will give you the foundation you need:

  • Relationships
  • Resolutions
  • Artifacts
  • Doppler (including relationships)

If you have all of those down, then you should be able to work out the answer to most SPI questions.

The Registry Review Courses You’ve Been Looking For

My Ultrasound Tutor is delighted to have brought many clients from the feeling of “I failed my SPI – now what?” to “Yes, I did it!” Check out our registry review courses today to find a self-guided SPI course as well as our specialties courses, and get on the path to successfully passing your registry exams today!

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