Study Guide + 6 Months Unlimited Access to Quiz Portal
NOW only $80

Study Materials and Online Practice Exams

Are you preparing to take an ultrasound registry exam and need to find study materials that work for you? Other review materials currently out there can be overwhelming and make you feel like you need to memorize everything. Our study guides are designed to cut out the clutter, focus on understanding, and give you just what you need to pass that exam.

Along with our study guides, our online ultrasound registry practice quizzes and mock exams are the perfect thing to help you gauge your progress. Used together, you will be able to pinpoint your weaknesses and refine your knowledge. You also have the option to add on private tutoring lessons as needed.

We have designed all of our study materials and exams using the ARDMS and CCI exam outlines. We use the information provided by these outlines to generate a realistic feel of the mock exam and it’s specific sub categories. By tailoring the questions to the wording and style of real registry questions, you will be able to test your knowledge and understanding and be able to evaluate areas that might need more attention. 

We have also made available a special package for the ARRT Sonography exam preparation. It includes all 3 study bundles (Physics, Abdomen, and OB/GYN) for the price of 2.

Just looking for extra practice? You can choose to only purchase the quiz portal on it’s own!

What’s Included?

  • Comprehensive, easy-to-follow study guide (download/print)
  • Over 400 unique practice questions
  • Subject focused practice quizzes
  • Each topic based quiz will give instant feedback with explanations
  • Registry-style timed Mock Exam 

Choose your Study Guide and Quiz Portal Bundle!

Ultrasound Physics




ARRT Sonography

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